Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Composite chemistry

C factor - ratio of bonded to unbonded surfaces in the preparation

Organic resin matrices and inorganic fillers consisting of proprietary combinations of silica, quartz, zirconia, and pre-polymerized resins

Silane - tris(2-methoxyethoxy) vinyl silane  bonds silica to polymer

  1. Camphoroquinone CQ (yellow) stimulates amine co-initiator to release free radical and initiate resin polymerization
  2. Ivocerin allows increase depth of cure for Tetric EvoCeram Bulk - doesn't need co-initiator
  3. PPD pheyl-propanedione - less yellowing than CQ
  4. Lucirin TPO - less yellowing than CQ so sometimes used in translucent or light shades

Bryan Bauer, DDS, FAGD                                                                

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